Relocation Services

Disposing of Trash and Recycling in Korea

General Waste

1. Use Volume-Based Waste Bags

Volume-Based Waste Bags: In Korea, general waste must be disposed of using volume-based waste bags. These bags are specified by each local government and can be purchased at supermarkets or convenience stores. The price of the bags varies depending on the weight or volume of the waste.
How to Use: Place general waste in the volume-based waste bag, tie it securely, and dispose of it in the designated location. General waste includes items that cannot be recycled.

2. Disposal Method

Disposal Location: Dispose of general waste in the designated waste disposal area near your residence. In apartment complexes or residential areas, there are specific places for disposing of general waste.
Disposal Time: The disposal times for waste may vary by region. Generally, it is common to dispose of waste after evening hours. Check the exact times with your residence management office or local government regulations.


1. General Precautions

Recycling Collection Areas
Each apartment or residential complex has designated recycling collection areas. Please dispose of recyclables at these locations.
You don’t need to use separate bags for recyclables; just separate them and dispose of them in the designated area.
If you ask the apartment management office or the security guard, they will kindly explain it to you.
Recycling Times: The times and dates for recycling collection may vary by region, so please check the regulations in your area.
Cleanliness: Ensure recyclables are clean to prevent contamination of other recyclables.

2. Paper

Types of Paper: Newspapers, books, paper boxes, flyers, notebooks, and clean paper can all be recycled.
How to Dispose: Separate and clean the paper, then tie it up or place it in a box for disposal. Remove any foreign materials (staples, tape, etc.).
Note: Oily or food-stained paper should be disposed of as general waste.

3. Plastic Bags

Types of Plastic Bags: Plastic bags, plastic packaging, wrap, etc.
How to Dispose: Clean the plastic to remove any contaminants, then separate it for recycling.
Note: Plastic bags with food residue or grease should be disposed of as general waste.

4. Plastics

Types of Plastics: PET bottles, plastic containers, plastic lids, etc.
How to Dispose: Empty the contents, clean them, and then recycle. For plastic bottles, remove the label and cap before disposal.
Note: Plastics with oil or food residue may not be recyclable.

5. Glass and Bottles

Types of Glass and Bottles: Glass bottles, juice bottles, beer bottles, soju bottles, etc.
How to Dispose: Empty the contents, clean them, and then recycle. Remove bottle caps and dispose of them separately.
Note: Broken glass is not recyclable and should be disposed of as general waste.

6. Cans

Types of Cans: Aluminum cans, steel cans, etc.
How to Dispose: Empty the contents, clean them, and then recycle. Crush cans to reduce their volume before disposal.
Note: Cans with food residue should be disposed of as general waste.

Food waste

1. General Precautions

Strict Separation: Food waste and general waste must be separated before disposal. Improper separation can harm the environment and may result in fines.
Bag Purchase: Ensure to purchase the specified volume-based waste bags and food waste bags. Using incorrect bags may result in the waste not being collected.
Maintain Cleanliness: Keep the disposal areas and facilities clean to avoid inconveniencing other residents.

2. Use Designated Food Waste Bags

Food Waste Bags: When disposing of food waste, you must use designated food waste bags. These bags can be purchased at supermarkets or convenience stores, and each local government specifies the bags to be used.
How to Use: Place the food waste in the designated bag, tie it securely, and dispose of it in the designated location.

3. Types of Food Waste

Acceptable Items: Leftover food, peels, small bones, etc.
Unacceptable Items: Large bones, seashells, walnut shells, and other hard items should be disposed of as general waste

4. Disposal Method

Disposal Location: Dispose of food waste in the designated food waste disposal area near your residence. In apartment complexes or residential areas, there are separate containers for food waste.
Disposal Time: The disposal times for food waste may vary by region. Generally, it is common to dispose of it after evening hours. Check the exact times with your residence management office or local government regulations.

Large Waste Items (Furniture, Appliance, etc.)

Local government

You must apply for collection on the local government page of your city/province. After applying for collection, attach the "collection number" to the designated location and place the items outside. The collection service will then pick up the items. Disposal costs vary depending on the type of waste and differ from city to city.

Alternatively (Start-up)

You can use the services of a startup that simplifies this process.
By downloading and using the "빼기(bbe-gi)" app, you can apply and pay more conveniently, although there is an additional service fee.
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