Relocation Services

Expatriate (주재)

Detailed code
Resident Related Visa
The D-7 visa is designed for employees of overseas corporations who are dispatched as resident employees to a branch office in Korea.
Basic Requirements:
Applicants must have worked for at least one year at a local corporation or overseas branch established by a publicly listed company or public institution.
They must be dispatched to the headquarters or main office in Korea to provide or acquire specialized knowledge, skills, or functions.
Due to its stringent review process, obtaining the D-7 visa requires more documentation than other visas and can be challenging to get approved. Therefore, thorough understanding and preparation are essential.
Required Documents:
Application form
Copy of passport
Letter of invitation
Certificate of full corporate registration (of the headquarters in Korea)
Notification of acceptance of foreign direct investment (for local corporations)
Notification of establishment of an overseas branch
Certificate of corporate registration and business registration of the overseas branch
Resume and proof of work experience
Documentation verifying overseas remittance
Dispatch order specifying the period of dispatch
Certificate of employment at the overseas branch
Proof of payment history at the headquarters
*Additional documents may be requested by the Ministry of Justice.
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